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I’m very proud of the Democratic effort to replace the dangerous sequestration budget with one that prioritizes targeted cuts and investments in our social programs.  We’ve proposed to simplify the tax code and close tax loopholes that allow big corporations to not pay their fair share for the benefits we give them. 

My proposed budget builds upon these great goals and simply ensures that as we continue to protect and care for America’s seniors, who have worked hard and given so much to the prosperity of this country.  We made a promise to these seniors, and we shouldn't go back on these promises by imposing additional costs on them. 

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    **This website is a forum on which participants in the PP250 budget simulation can communicate, collaborate and come together in character as players in the budget negotiation process. All statements and positions are purely academic, and do not express the opinions of the real personalities in DC, the Goldman School or the University of California**


    Harry Reid (Jess Box)Patty Murray (Sarah Chevalier)


    November 2013

